Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Are blogs still cool?

I decided to make yet another lousy attempt at starting a blog. A blog to me is basically an online, public journal. I have the same approach to it as I approach a private journal or diary. I start filling out the first page and make a few heartfelt entries. Then I put it somewhere and forget that it ever existed. Then in a few months or years, I may find it somewhere in the dust, read my first few entries and cringe. This might be exactly how this blog will end up, yet again. But I hope that it will become more than that.

Soooo here it is. Yet another blog in the world of a bazillion blogs. I don't even know if they are even cool anymore. But it'd be nice to have a place where I can gather my thoughts and write about random things I care about. I don't really want to put a label on it just yet, although from a marketing perspective that would be a smarter idea.

Basically I'll be writing about being a 20-something year old, travelling and my love for travelling, aspirations, my daily-life, etc... So I hope at least a few will join me in my journey. Oh, and here I am walking the streets of Milan :)

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