Thursday, 22 January 2015

A Year Later...

So apparently I've completely abandoned this blog. I pretty much forgot that I even had it... I guess I've come back to it in need of a place to rant, and a place where I can just blurt out my thoughts. and because not many people actually read this blog, other than myself, it's kind of like a safe haven for me. Okay, I have no clue what I'm saying... my brain is not working this week.

Basically, this year has been pretty insane. I did this thing called moving to London, UK. I found a job here, went to a bazillion festivals (yes, I went to Tomorrowland again this year!), lived in two different places (both West and East London), and now after travelling with my parents to France and Spain over the holiday season, I'm about to move to another place... I've had the shittiest luck with landlords and flats/houses and I feel like I'm ALWAYS moving house.

This time around, our landlords were doing some dodgey shit (just like the last place)... I don't know the details but they've basically fled, and some other dude has taken over. I'm not sure what's going on, but everyone in the building has to move out. And people are PISSED. On Sunday, someone from the upstairs flat on top of us decided it was a wonderful idea to BREAK THE WATER PIPE and then water started GUSHING into our apartment bathroom.... Basically, our flat was flooding. We even had to call the fire department, and we started packing in panic. We've moved most of our things and went to our friends' place.

Anyway, I won't bore myself by repeating everything that has happened. But this month has been a struggle, to say the least. On top of working full time, I have had the pleasure of flathunting for the THIRD time in London. Flathunting one time in London is hard enough... but THREE TIMES. Oh yeah, and my flat flooded. That happened.

But yea.. we did find a place to move in to... it's an actual house with a BIG kitchen, a living room and even a dining table. It's so hard to find a place like that in London, it's ridiculous. It's slightly more far out (zone 3) then I would like, but it's still close enough to central yet a much "cleaner" and nicer area, as well as a bit cheaper.

Nothing is settled yet though... We are still waiting for the agency to approve everything and we NEED to move out this weekend. Like we will be homeless if this agency does not give us the keys to this house by tomorrow.

Joys of living in London.

The struggle continues...

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